Next zine supplement

Working on a new zine for this. I started making a collection of items. I ended up with too many so it looks like I might be making a zine of wonderous items and a zine  for consumables like scrolls and potions.

I wanted the items to have the same feeling of backfires and accidents so some items are just passive.

Vampiric dagger

When attacking if you roll a [6] and do damage you heal 1 HP

then there will be active items where the player must make a 2D6 action roll to see if they accomplish it. If they pass something good, fails something bad. For example

Arcane blast talisman

Pass - do x damage to an enemy equal to highest of 2 dice

Fail - heal an enemy x damage equal to lowest of 2 dice

Magic whistle

Pass - summon a spectral dog to aid you

Fail summon a spectral cat. It does not want to aid you.

helmet of haste

Pass - kobold is faster for x minutes highest of 2 dice

Fail - player must talk slower for x minutes. Lowest of 2 dice

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