Kobold Krew 2 (New System)

Work is going forward on the new expanded version of Kobold Krew. I am going with a full color PDF and I will be making and selling hand made printed copies. I am going to be trying to do a few posts explaining some of the changes but as I design and test things may change.

I had originally used
Tunnel Goons for this and although I liked the simplicity of the system the combat of and the reducing difficulty score never sat right with me. It made sense that an injured entitiy would be easier to hit, but for the story and pacing it didn’t really help with tension. This led me on a journey looking at a lot of different systems. I knew I wanted something less crunchy and more story based and the powered by the apocalypse 2D6 of fail,mix,success I really liked and felt like something that would be good with the clumsy kobolds. So I worked on a system that kind of kept the tunnel goons DS as a goal, and then fail, mix, success based off that number. This caused an issue with combat though so I needed to add enemy HP and I had done another small game jam RPG that used a system like this and added tracks or clocks. I liked this and started digging in more. I came across Blades in the dark again and i liked the simplicity of roll, look for highest. This was faster than referencing a number that changed each time. From there I did more research and came across the Charge  srd. This was based off Blades on the dark but very paired down. From here I started rewriting that and kept the stats, but after looking into a game called  SlugBlasters and with the idea of simplicity simplicity simplicity I realized I could remove stats altogether. So this is where the design is currently at. In my next post I will talk about adding dice to a dice pool.

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