The Begining of Kobold Krew
What is the game
Kobold Krew is a modification of a TTRPG called Tunnel Goons made by Nick Treme. In my game you play as a small kobold going on an adventure. I wanted to keep the rules simple and contained to a one page sheet folded into a mini-zine style.
To start, you create your kobold using some simple D6 rolls. You have 3 different stats that basically translate to strength, dexterity, and intelligence. You also get some items and a two quirks. During the game each “obstacle” is a simple 2D6 roll. You add your relevant stat and +1 for any relevant quirks or items. If your roll plus bonuses is equal to or higher than the obstacle number you pass.
When a player rolls a [1] they actually bumble the roll. That means another kobold may take 1 damage, but the damaged kobold does recieve a Fluke. A player can use a Fluke later to reroll any dice. Also players may have quirks that can help and hurt. A quirk like Tall might make it easier to climb a tree, but harder to hide. If a player decides to use a quirk negatively they take -1 but if they succeed they also receive a Fluke for later use.
example: A player may be trying to climb a wall, which has a DS 8 they roll two dice a [1] and a [6] and with stats and items they can boost it to a 9. They succeed on getting up the wall but it looks like they may have stepped on another kobold in the process.
a player is trying to open a locked door DS 10, they roll a [2] and [6] and with their stats and items it becomes a 9, they spend a Fluke to reroll their [2] and now get a [5] . they pass the roll with a 12. it looks like they did unlock the door, but it was a push not a pull.
Items and quirks are very open ended they are simply single words, allowing more creativity on the part of the player.
Why I made it
I have been a indie developer for a long time, but have recently gotten into a rut. On doing research and seeing other media, I have been getting more into board games, specifically print and play games. I had also been drawing and painting these kobold characters for a while and I always drew them a bit more goofy or clumsy. I originally tried to do a kobold based one page print and play dungeon crawl, but I struggled with the overall design. (You rolled dice and then combined dice using different mathmatic functions to reach an intended number). I eventually came across the works of JP coovert on his Goons and Ghosts and Teenage Mutant Tunnel Goons and his enthusiasm for hacking Tunnel Goons inspired me to give it a try.
What I think so far
I like what my 0.5 has so far. I think it’s a good foundation to build from. After some play testing (also building some small programs to bulk build characters and run battles en mass) I have found some small issues.
1. I think I went overboard on items. Since they are just single words I have a lot of words that could be a little too similar sword, mace, axe are interesting, but I dont know that I need 3 where one would suffice. I think making that smaller will be better. I also might change to only a single list, but will make sure better rolls get better items. I have also been testing linking item lists to stats.
2. I think the Quirks could be better. I think I will change them to be fewer but also make them more character defining. Quirks like tall, keen eye, or curious or okay but I think a more elaborate Quirk like “just one last mission” or “No not this Idiot again” or even stuff like “accidentally came on this mission” or “lied on resume” give a bit more exciting Roleplay abilities while still letting you maybe add modifiers.
3. I think the bumble is interesting, but it’s only a 1 in 6 chance of happening. So I need to figure out a way to get more of this interaction between players.
4. I think if I remove the player portrait I can fit the entire sheet on a single page and that gives me more room to add. I am thinking about making the cover of the Book have a portrait though, Giving the players the option to have a "Character Book" but then I need to figure out the order of how everything is added. The other Idea I had was using the back page as the character sheet and putting all rules inside, meaning the players can just keep it all together. and have Name, portrait, quirk on the cover. and then the change able stuff on the back.
Character Sheet 1 Page Example
Future plans
I will be releasing another update soon. Hopefully with fewer items, maybe the new quirk system, a different character sheet, and a printable version you can assemble into a mini zine.
I am also working on an adventure point crawl. The text is all written and I have been doing some play testing.
Get Kobold Krew
Kobold Krew
Adventure as kobolds in this one page tabletop role playing game.
Status | Released |
Category | Physical game |
Author | Jason Pickering |
Tags | kobold, micro-rpg, mini-zine, One-page, OSR, Print & Play, rules-lite, Tabletop role-playing game, tunnel-goons, zine |
Languages | English |
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- Kobold Krew released!May 23, 2024
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